Dental emergencies happen every day, but if you know what to do, you can prevent a lot of damage. In this article, we will cover various dental emergencies and the right way to handle them.
Ensure to call an emergency dentist before you start any of the following procedures. Also, ensure to reach his office ASAP because the faster you arrive there, the better.
Control and Clean up
If it is your soft tissues that are injured, you can expect a lot of bleeding. Soft tissues include the gums, tongue, and lips. In such a case, follow these tips.
- Use clean, soft cotton to clean up the bleeding areas.
- Use cold water to rinse your mouth
- If there's any swelling, apply some ice from the outside of the swelling area. Make sure you apply the ice every ten to fifteen minutes.
- The ice-cold compress method can also help with bleeding and pain.
- Get to an emergency dentist in Coral Springs ASAP if you are in that area.
Try to Put the Knocked-out Tooth Back to Its Socket
If your tooth is knocked out:
- Pick the tooth by its crown without interfering with the roots.
- Clean it up with cold water, and be careful not to drain it through the sink.
- Gently try to put it back to its socket and bite onto it.
- If it's too painful, put it in a glass of water with some salt in it or a cup of milk. Please note that the latter is preferred.
Get to an emergency dental care as soon as possible. If you get there fast, there is a high chance of saving the tooth. You can count on us if you are looking for emergency dental care in Coral Springs.
Control the Bacteria Action
If you are experiencing pain because of a toothache, then you need to try and control the bacteria action. Brushing and flossing your teeth can help you with this and can ultimately reduce the pain you are going through. After brushing them, rinse your mouth with warm saltwater. If the pain is still agonizing, get to a walk-in dentist as fast as you can.
Use Cold Compress
The ice-cold compress method is one thing you should always use with almost every dental emergency. This method can help you with swelling, pain, or bleeding. This means you can use the method with dental emergencies such as toothache, Knocked-out tooth, injuries to the soft tissues, and cracked teeth.
What to do With a Cracked or Fractured Tooth
If your tooth has large cracks, it can make it very hard for you to eat or drink because it becomes very sensitive. In case of this emergency:
- Call an emergency dentist and book an urgent appointment.
- Use some warm water
to rinse your mouth.
- If you have
painkillers in the house, take some as directed on the packaging.
- Don't apply any
painkillers on the hurting gums as some brands advertise. It is not
advisable. The dentist will conduct an X-ray check and diagnose you
There are several dental emergencies, and it is how you react that determines if you make things good or bad for you. You must always get to the dentist, though. You can count on our emergency dental clinic if you are looking for one in Coral Springs. We are here for you!
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