Dental emergencies happen every day, but if you know what to do, you can prevent a lot of damage. In this article, we will cover various dental emergencies and the right way to handle them. Ensure to call an emergency dentist before you start any of the following procedures. Also, ensure to reach his office ASAP because the faster you arrive there, the better. Control and Clean up If it is your soft tissues that are injured, you can expect a lot of bleeding. Soft tissues include the gums, tongue, and lips. In such a case, follow these tips. Use clean, soft cotton to clean up the bleeding areas. Use cold water to rinse your mouth If there's any swelling, apply some ice from the outside of the swelling area. Make sure you apply the ice every ten to fifteen minutes. The ice-cold compress method can also help with bleeding and pain. Get to an emergency dentist in Coral Springs ASAP if you are in that area. Try to Put the Knocked-out Tooth Back to Its Socket If your tooth i...
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